Why we recommend LIFE Water Ionizers

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LIFE Ionizers takes the lead in 2013 with improved hard water performance

LIFE Ionizers took a huge step forward in 2012. Beginning on the company’s blog, LIFE has made public health and science education the company’s top priority.

One product of LIFE’s science and health focus has been to upgrade their ionizer’s capability to work with hard water. To do this, LIFE has fitted their entire 2013 line of water ionizers with new, larger electrodialysis chambers. The company’s research demonstrated that the larger chambers improved pH and –ORP readings that their machine were producing, and improved the ability of their water ionizers to work with hard water.

LIFE Ionizers: Redesigned for Health

Chief Visionary at LIFE Ionizers, Rick H. Cabados explained in a recent interview the reason LIFE re-engineered its electrodialysis chambers:

“We found out that for health purposes, hard water is really the way to go. It’s the minerals in hard water – calcium and magnesium – that make water healthy. But the fact is hard water tastes terrible. So I gave my development team a challenge: Make our ionizers the best water ionizers to use with hard water, and make that water taste great”

LIFE Ionizers focus on hard water for improving the healthy qualities and taste of alkaline water were spearheaded by the company’s blog author, Leo McDevitt. We noticed that on the company’s blog, McDevitt has taken a highly skeptical view of claims that alkaline water is microclustered. When asked why, McDevitt had this to say:

The Microclustering theory of alkaline water is nonsense. It has been thoroughly debunked by skeptics and chemists alike. The health benefits of alkaline water come from the minerals in it. There are many well established studies that prove that the best source of calcium and magnesium nutrition is alkaline water.

I am personally taking a stand, I demand that water ionizer companies stop using pseudoscience to glamorize alkaline water. It is in the public interest to inform people about the importance of minerals in their water.

LIFE Alkaline Water Ionizers 2013 – The best got even better

Our tests of the 2013 LIFE models show that the new larger electrodialysis chambers deliver on LIFE’s promise to make a great tasting, healthy glass of alkaline water out of hard water. We tested LIFE’s 2013 ionizers using hard water with a total hardness of 207 mg/L and were amazed by how great the water tasted.

LIFE’s patented RADC cleaning system, in combination with their new, larger chambers make LIFE Ionizers your best bet if you have hard water. The RADC system makes sure alkaline water from your ionizer keeps flowing freely, and maintains the excellent taste of the alkaline water. Proper maintenance for LIFE’s machines is a snap – you simply run a cleaning cartridge every six months.

We recommend LIFE Ionizers over every other brand of water ionizer for one simple reason. LIFE is the only water ionizer company that understands what the real benefits of alkaline water are. LIFE Ionizers has made a commitment to ensure that healthy minerals are in your water. And that kind of commitment has the potential to save millions of lives.

Need help finding the right water ionizer for you? Call the Alkaline Water Ionizer Experts today at: (800) 920-3792